Customer Profile
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Our customers are the best! On this page we profile individuals to create awareness and possibly foster customer contacts in the WISL community.

Neil McIntyre

Since Neil joined Mount Royal College Bookstore nine years ago he has been our main contact for implementation and support of all WISL information systems products utilized by the Bookstore and other College ancillary enterprises. Neil made key contributions in the evoIution of WISL EDI - Retail and WISL TOG(Telephone Order Generation) which led to the recent implementation of WISL Webstore as the mechanism for selling MRC Bookstore's wares on the web. Neil was the driving force behind the development of the "standalone" feature for the WISL PC based register. He also contributed significantly as the first user of the GUI version of QUIKREP.

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If you only know Neil from telephone conversations you may be surprized to meet an imposing individual well over 6 feet and stretching an extra large golf shirt near its limits. Neil has a young family but still finds time for his passion, wilderness hiking.